You Need an e-Commerce Mobile App Development Company

If you’re a trader and you don’t have an e-commerce app, you’re missing out on a huge customer base. Thanks to our chaotic lifestyle and increased dependency on mobile devices, the e-commerce industry is thriving. Hence, you need a reliable e-Commerce Mobile App Development Company to help you make a place between the seasoned market players.

As per KPMG research, around 30% of buyers admit that they prefer buying things online rather than going to a physical store. And, this consumer behavior is only going to increase as more and more people become internet-friendly. In such a scenario, it would be a disastrous decision to delay having an e-commerce mobile app.
You might be a great retailer or wholesaler but mobile app development is a different ballgame altogether. In fact, some people might even suggest listing your products on a third-party website. However, you must remember that your website is your permanent residence on the internet. So, why rent a place when you can buy one?
Now, let’s speak about some of the features that your e-commerce mobile app must-have.

Essential Features to Include in e-Commerce Mobile App Development

Easy Registration:

When a customer wants to buy something, he/she is in a relaxed mood. If you make the registration process complicated, they would lose interest. Thus, you must ask your developer to keep this step as simple as possible and include social media login as well.

Simple Navigation:

Similarly, a complicated interface is a big no-no. If you check out the most successful e-commerce websites, you would realize that they have a very basic interface that takes the least amount of effort. So, you must ask your developers to keep the UI simple keeping user experience in mind.

Multiple Payment Gateways:

Nowadays, every user has many debit/credit cards, bank accounts, and mobile wallets. Many a time people cancel their entire order if they don’t find their preferred payment mode. So, you must ask your development team to include every payment mode possible.

Push Notifications:

Your mobile app should become part of a user’s subconscious mind. The only way to do this is to play through innovative push notification. So, your priority for the web development team must be to include push notification features with a witty copy.


E-commerce is essentially a business and you need to understand user’s behavior to improve their experience and your profitability. Thus, your developers must include analytics in your app so that you can track consumer behavior, their buying patterns, and their pain points.

Minimize the Clicks:

This is again about ensuring the best user experience. If your design and interface are too complicated, your users will have to click a lot and they would lose interest. thus, your developers must test the user’s path and keep the navigation simple to minimize the clicks.

Hire the Top E-commerce Mobile App Development Company

Alphonic Network Solution has been a renowned name in the software business for the past 6 years. Our team’s experience and expertise are embedded in our rich portfolio. We provide custom and ready-made e-commerce web solutions. If it is quality that matters to you, we should be your first choice. For further inquiries, drop us a mail.

For more information
Call Us: +91 9887133338


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